Saturday, November 10, 2012

Guns and pumpkin smashing

Based on that title, you would think we were raising some outlaws ha!  But today Jay was trying to teach the kids how to shoot at a target with a BB gun in our backyard (100% supervised of course!).  Of course Brayden was eating it up and LOVED every second of it. 

Shooting at our old pumpkins (they make great targets!)...

Karis even got her turn...

I wanted a turn too!

Watch out boys...don't mess with our girls!  I wonder if talks with future boyfriends will resemble this picture ha?!

And instead of throwing out our old pumpkins, they used some for target practice and some they got to smash just for fun in our driveway.  What kid doesn't want to legally destroy something ha?!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE these three.  Makes my heart melt.
Fun fall afternoon!

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