Tuesday, January 27, 2009

One of my pleasures in life

Ok call me crazy, quirky, type "A", neat freak, obsessive compulsive or whatever else you want to call me because you are probably right on ALL of them.  

I am experiencing one of my smallest (or largest) pleasures in life as we speak.  I have worked till my little back is about to give out and have cleaned to my little hearts content.  Tuesdays are my only day to be home all day (except gymnastics) and my "to do" list for my house is never ending and it is always a challenge to see if I can get it all crossed off. Today I have cleaned bathrooms, dusted, vacuumed, washed 4 clothes loads, washed all rugs, washed and changed everyone's sheets, squeaky clean kids, dinners planned, fridge stacked, ironed for 2 hours and straightened about 42 times.  One of my favorite things to do when I have a clean house is to light the candles in the house and to sit and enjoy a cup (or two) of coffee.  Somehow, it allows me to enjoy the rest of my week and to not be so stressed.  This feeling only lasts about 20 minutes so let me enjoy it while I can....

I know it is so strange but should try it sometime.  It is worth the work!

Now soon it will be bedtime and I can sit and enjoy the Biggest Loser with my incredibly handsome husband.  I am one lucky gal.


  1. I'm right with ya. I actually did the exact same thing today. We were out of school due to ice.

  2. You are not right. But anytime you want to have that feeling feel free to come to my house. I don't know what the word organize means. I love your enthusiam. Also, I miss Karis I haven't seen her in awhile. Tell her I said hi and give her a big hug for me. love steph
