Sunday, January 18, 2009

Riverbend Re-launch day 2

I wasn't able to get any pictures last week at our relaunch so I brought my camera today and tried to get a few.  I am in charge of the nursery so I did get a few of my room but not of the others.  I will try next week...

Today we had another great day at Riverbend and we had some new visitors and look forward to getting to know them.  We had 4 in the nursery and even had to recruit workers!  What a great problem to have!

Anyway here are a few pics of the nursery...

Baby Katie

Brayden loves the balls and the "noisy" toys of course

Amber and Baby Kyle

Funny story...This is our Pastor Brian, my friend Paige's husband.  He was talking to some visitors this morning and Brayden was yelling across the hallway over and over again "HEY MR. BRIAN!  HEY MR. BRIAN!"  So he went running over to him and was clinging to his leg.  He likes Mr. Brian but this is the first time he had done that!  Those visitors probably thought Brayden was his!

Mrs. Candy and her grandson Eli

The Lord is truly blessing our church and we can't wait to see what He is going to do in the future!

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