Sunday, January 18, 2009

Some of my favorites recently...

I don't know if this is attitude or the "gangsta" look but I thought it was hilarious!  Lolli got her this coat, cheerleading outfit (that she has on under the coat), and the foot bath yesterday and somehow she ended up using them all at the same time.  And what a look she is giving me...

Brayden loves wearing this outfit because he says he is a basketball player (yes, everything revolves around a ball to him) and Karis loves to dress up like a cheerleader.  Today they happened to have them both on at the same time and Karis was cheering for him!  "GOOO Brayden!"

Today I was washing sheets, comforters and pillows and somehow they collected them all and made a pallet on my floor and said they were taking a nap.  I don't think there was much napping going on here...

This morning they got ready for church and while I was drying my hair, they went and collected backpacks and said they were going to school.  Karis even gave herself ONE pigtail on the left...yikes!

Bath/play time recently...what a sweet big sister!  

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