Saturday, January 17, 2009

I don't want my babies to go to college!

Last night I had an emotional moment and I have to share it.  We decided (since it was so cold and we were cooped up in the house all day) to go upstairs and have family movie night with the kids for a change of scenery.  We decided to watch College Road Trip and it is such a cute movie...although it was a little too old for Brayden.  For those of you that haven't seen it, it is about an overprotective dad's only girl, oldest child trying to chooose which college to go to.  Of course the dad wants her to go to the local university only 40 minutes away and she wants to go to Georgetown over 700 miles away.  He does everything to convince her to change her mind and does some really stupid things and truly wants to manipulate her every decision.  She tries to convince him to TRUST her and eventually in the end, he does and she goes away to Georgetown.  Anyway, one of the last scenes in the movie is a tear jerker.  They are saying goodbye outside her dorm room and all these clips of her as a young girl dressed as a princess scroll through his mind and her saying (as a 5 year old), "Daddy I love you!"  They are all crying happy tears but it is a real tear jerker.  About this part of the movie, Karis comes over to me with this sad look on her face and tears in her eyes and buries her head in my chest.  I said, "Baby what is wrong???"  She replies, "They are making me cry!"  Of course I started balling and couldn't stop!!!  She hugged me for the longest time.  Jay and I are always calling her our little girl and she always says, "I am a big girl!"  I think for once she understands what me mean when we say that we want her to be our little girl...forever.  Although I know the day will come when we have to loosen the reigns...and TRUST her.  I just hope she doesn't decide to go to GEORGETOWN.  It is after all....too far.  :)

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