Thursday, January 8, 2009
We met some friends for a playdate at Chick-fil-a and had loads of fun as always.  My friend Rachel and Ashley met us with a total of 8 kids.  I am sure they were ready for us to finally leave after several hours!!!  There wasn't a dull moment!

Karis and Brayden up on the tall ledge (they thought they were big stuff!)

Kendall, Thomas, Drew and Brayden up on the ledge

The two babies that aren't babies anymore!  (Jack and Mary Taylor)

Brayden and Drew

Karis and Brayden

Sweet Maggie

She apparently loved climbing today...

Jack kept climbing up the slide and then would cry.  SO Ashley being the good sport climbed up there to get him...several times!!!
Fun day gals!

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