Friday, January 16, 2009

A cheerleading uniform or a baseball uniform?

One of Karis' favorite thing to do is play dress up and her Duke cheerleading uniform is one of her favorites.  However, the problem is that it is a size 2T and she has FAR outgrown it (now being 4 1/2).  The bottom of the skirt comes to the middle of her panties and so she wears pants with them.  I made the mistake of telling her this morning that I had my old cheerleading uniform in the attic and soon was begged into going up into the attic on the coldest day of the year to retrieve it.

Brayden wanted to wear one too so we told him it could be his baseball uniform.  SO you see that he went to get his teeball set and ball and bat (actually some stick he is using as a bat) and began playing baseball.

Go DUKE (they have been trained to say that)!

Obviously the skirt didn't fit so their favorites have been the pom pons!  They even used them on their heads later on by saying they were going through a car least they are using their imagainations!

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