Saturday, June 8, 2013

First days of Vacation

We started out our vacation a day early and went to visit some friends in Alabama.  We got in an hour or two of hotel swimming which the kids always LOVE!

We picked up Karis at the Florida state line from her trip to Florida with her BFF.  They were on their way home and we were on our way to vacation with my family.  We were SOOOOO excited to see her but she was just as excited to see us.  When she got out of the car she literally leaped into my arms! She came bearing gifts and bought us all 2-3 gifts which was soooo thoughtful.  I gave her spending money and she spent her spending money on souvenirs for us.  Precious!

Here she was handing out all of her loot for us...

Our first dinner always seems to be Pompano Joe's when we come to Destin!  This was also our first view of the beach for 2013.

A wedding had just taken place on the beach...

I have taken a ton of pictures but haven't downloaded them all.  Stay tuned....LOTS of pics coming!

1 comment :

  1. So glad it was a wonderful time. Enjoy the summer days!!!
