Monday, June 17, 2013

Switching from Google Reader to Bloglovin'

For those that are reading this and have no idea what Google Reader or Bloglovin' are, let me explain.  Years ago when I started a blog, I started "collecting" per se blogs that I read on a weekly basis.  You could put those in to Google Reader and you could see when people had updated them without having to go directly to the blogs every time.  BUT Google Reader will no longer be available after July 1st.  Sad day.

Bloglovin' is the new "blog collector/reader" and I signed up for it a while back and didn't like it very much and put off using it until I "had" to.  However with it now just around the corner I wanted to get used to it while I still had access to Google Reader.  I played around with it last night and it is growing on me.  I think when I get used to it I will like it alot.

Here is a Bloglovin' tutorial that helped me understand how to use it.

Here is a Bloglovin' tutorial that shows how to claim your own blog.

Come follow my blog on Bloglovin'!  Search for "For Your Name" or click the link below!

Follow on Bloglovin

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