Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Open Invitation

If you are reading this then you have successfully made it over to my private blog!  I appreciate you all and thank you for wanting to follow along regardless if it is going private.  Just a quick note...if you follow my blog through Google Reader or another blogging app, keep in mind you will not find my posts there.  You will physically have to come on over to the 'ole blog, make sure you are signed into your google account and it will allow you to view my posts.  I know that makes it a little more difficult and definitely not as convenient but thanks for not giving up on me!

Our family is going through some adjustments that I will share as time allows but we are in the process of becoming more "private" on the internet hence the blog change.  I have started a new "public" blog that will have our day to day activities but less identifying details.  Here, on the private blog, you will find more details about our life and the other stuff we don't want out there for everyone to see.  So be patient, check back from time to time and see what God is doing in us and in the mean time, check us out at!

And lastly, thank you for taking time out of your day to stop in and see what we are up to.  We are grateful for your friendship and support!

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