Saturday, June 1, 2013

Our weekend

 Our Summer has gone by so fast!  A week has flown by and we have been so busy and have gotten hardly anything done at home.  But I have enjoyed special time with my family and a few outings that we wouldn't have gotten to do during the school year on a weekday.

Nice outfit Lulu ha!

 We are still eating on leftover cupcakes and my kids might as well eat a can of icing because that is all they eat ha!  Icing anyone?!

Friday night on the way to Brayden's game, he nonchalantly said, "Uhoh Mom I forgot I have 2 frogs in my backpack."  I thought I had heard him wrong but nope. He did.  Ewwww!

Eli had spent Thursday night with us and the boys had played super hard.  On the way to the game, he fell asleep and was snoring!  I guess that frog hunting wore them out!

We were winning by 11 Friday night and Brayden got to play catcher, something he has always wanted to do.  He was thrilled!

My little baseball diva....

After the game, we went out for ice cream with the family.  But we are missing our sweet Karis, who is out of town with her best friend!

Saturday morning we went to Tiffany's Sole Hope Party and then on the way home Lucy and I stopped in for a Starbucks frappucino and a cake pop!  My favorite...decaf Coffee Frappucino (no whip cream).

After our afternoon coffee break, we went to Jake's 4th birthday party!

More of my favorite Proverbs...

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