Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Zoo Day

The last time we went to the zoo Brayden was not able to see the dinosaurs due to it closing SIX minutes before we got there and he was absolutely devastated and we had promised him we go back very soon and we would see the dinosaurs FIRST this time.  So we did.

We picked up Karis' friend Precious on the way and she went to the zoo with us and spent the night with us.  Everyone loved the dinosaurs although Lucy kept her ears covered the entire time and had her eye on them ha!

It was super hot (101 that day!) so we let the kids play in the sprinklers in their clothes to cool them off as we walked around the zoo.  They got soaked and loved every minute of it.  Jay and I were so hot we almost joined them ha!

So glad Jay could join us on his day off!  Although it was a hot day, it was a great day to spend with my family!

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