Today is Jay's day off so he has been at home today. This morning he got a call from his secretary, Mrs. Beth, who was frantic because she was watering plants in the foyer and saw a snake INSIDE slithering by the wall. She hates snakes reasonably and so Jay immediately headed up there.
She kept an eye on it until he got there. He noticed it was just a grass snake (yucky still, but not poisonous) so he was trying to sweep it out the door to let it go. Then it slithered up the pole of the broom so he just carried it outside. Karis and Brayden went up there with daddy to see all the commotion and when they got home I asked them about it and they said, "Aw it was just a little grass snake" like they were disappointed. Yea they have grown up in the country and have seen much worse including copperheads, water mocassins and rattlesnakes. Hopefully there won't be anymore! How's that for a day in the office ha?!
After lunch we headed outside to play and I captured a few pics with my phone. Brayden's usual get-up these days is just shorts, a t-shirt and his cowboy boots. It is quite the combination I tell ya...
Axton said this tree stump was a volcano haha! Creative thinking!
Speaking of snakes, Everett and Hazel had one for lunch! It's fake, don't freak. After the office incident this morning, Jay's secretaries were out at our camp setting up for an event on Monday and he had to use this fake snake to pull a prank hehe!
Then, the kids were down looking at the lake and Karis and Brayden saw a water snake by the dock. Brayden said, "I tried to catch the snake to show Mrs. Beth but he went up under a log. Don't worry mom it had a round head and not a triangle head." I had to (without freaking out myself) explain that it can still bite even if it isn't poisonous and that picking it up is not the wisest thing to do. I told ya he was raised in the country!
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