Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Oakley Cuddles and Princesses

One of my fav newborns came over the other day and I got in some sweet snuggles!

Story, Meila and their new baby brother Oakley came over the other day to play and I got to spoil him a little! :)

He was a popular little guy that day!

Lucy and Story came downstairs and had put on princess dresses (with my mom's wedding veil) and were  grinning from ear to ear.  Those girls are ALL girl! 

This one is kinda dark but too sweet not to post.  These two princesses were dancing in the kitchen! :)

And of course I will add one of Karis dressed up too....Rapunzel of course.  Karis doesn't play dress up anymore so surprised she did this day.  She is growing up too fast!

We love our friends!

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