Feeling a little low? Hard week? Gas tank empty? Two cup (or more) coffee kind of day/week/month?!
Sometimes we (I included) need just a few reminders that the grass isn't always greener on the other side, I am not the only one who has bad days, someone ALWAYS has it alot worse than you do and I indeed don't have ONE thing to complain about, and that God is indeed in control, capable and faithful!
Apparently I needed it because here are just a few things the Lord has placed in my path in the past 2 days. Maybe the Lord will use it in your life too!
You all have probably seen these videos circulating around facebook this week but these are worth watching or I wouldn't put them on the blog. Please take time to watch them.
This is a story about true love and sacrifice in marriage. This will make you view your marriage differently and make you so thankful for what God has given you. You can view the website here or watch the video below...
This is an old video from a blog I follow of a little girl who died soon after birth from Trisomy 18. You can view Poppy Joy's story here or you can click directly to the video. (sorry I can't embed it so it show up directly on the blog.)
This is a blog post about how in this century we all have some device (phone, computer, iPad, etc.) attached to us at all times and our children are paying the price. WOW this is so convicting. Makes me want to do away with mine all together! PLEASE read hands free mama article here.
This is another blog post about children and how we tend to view them as lots of "work" instead of a blessing. I have been so guilty at times of this and I want to change my mindset when the days get hard. They are such a blessing and what a privilege to train them up in the Lord. There is no greater privilege! Read it...."Children: a burden or a blessing?!" here.
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