Thursday, May 10, 2012

Lucy's 3rd birthday!

Today my baby girl turns THREE and I no longer have a baby in my house (BOOHOO and YAH! all at the same time)!

This morning she had to put on her birthday skirt her Lolli gave her so we went outside to take some pictures.....

She has been practicing holding up "3" fingers but it takes some work to get them all ready haha!

Yah Lucy is THREE!!!!  She is a big girl now!

Lucy's birthday party is still a week away so we decided to go ahead and give her our gifts from us on her birthday.  She was so sweet when she saw the presents this morning she said, "I will let Bubba open one."  So sweet!

The blue and green one is from Hazel!  :)

She got her this outfit (since she LOVES coffee!) and this sweet handmade card...

We got her these doll bottle she has been wanting....

This baby doll pack-n-play (just like Hazel and Everett's she says)....

And this Baby Alive she has been wanting (because Story has one just like it of course)...

Then we got to eat cupcakes for snack that Lucy picked out herself.  What kid isn't always up for a cupcake ha?!

Happy 3rd Birthday my Lucy Lulu!!!!

Dig in....

Fun day celebrating Lucy!  More celebrations to come!!!

1 comment :

  1. Happy Birthday Lucy!!!

    So glad she had a great day with her friends.
