Sunday, April 17, 2011

Very special day at church

Today was the anticipated day and it finally arrived...the first day in our new building!  Although we have been a church for 5 years, we met in a school for some of that and then in a small renovated building (without a kitchen) and now we have a large renovated area that gives us growing room woohoo!

Kiddos before church 

Love 'em!

And I LOVE this!!!  So cutie!

New sanctuary where we can all fit into ONE service....yah!

We had a special breakfast this morning in celebration of it and there was lots of yummy goodness!  Everyone was so excited and there was just joy on everyone's face.  We all felt so blessed!

Some of the girlies...

This is the new 2's-3's room.  Now that we have room we were able to split up the kids groups some which allowed for an extra kid class.  It was special to me because it meant Lucy got to move out of the baby room into a big kid room!  Sniff, sniff

This is the 4's-5's room where both Karis and Brayden are until Karis moves up at the end of the Summer.

Baby room where Lucy is NOT anymore!  I kept asking her if she went in the baby room and she would grin and shake her head no and say, "Big kid class! New class!"

Older elementary/youth room 

Our children's minister Ms. Liz!  She's da bomb!  :)

This is Lucy when I dropped her off.  She went right in and started playing.  When I came to pick her up  (she is normally waiting at the door for me!), I asked her if she was ready to go and she shook her head no at me and said, "New class! Like church!"  I am so thankful she loves it so much!

Our Pastor Brian and our worship team

The service was incredible and there wasn't a dry eye in the building.  I am so very thankful for such a wonderful church family and today feel especially blessed!