Thursday, April 14, 2011

The calm before the storm...

Yesterday Karis had her Spring pictures taken at school and she picked out her own outfit.  :)  She looked adorable as always (I am a little biased!).

The trio today (Lucy still sportin' her pj's)..

We've given Trey the nickname "Spike!"

Sweet hugs...

Poppin' wheelies...

Lucy picked me some flowers...

Daddy needs a truck wash!

Her book goes everywhere with her!

Sweet sisters...hoping these two will always be close!

Brayden was practicing baseball with daddy and he was catching the ball with his hand between his legs (from behind) ha!  

Tonight we had a worknight at church because we are officially out of the old building and moved in to the new one.  Tonight we had a bunch of people show up and did maintenance all over the building.  I helped put up bulletin boards and organize the baby room.  It was fun and soooo exciting.  Fun times ahead!  Looking forward to Sunday our first service in our new building yah!!!

Tonight the weather is suppose to get bad and you all know how much I LOVE storms (sense the sarcasm)!  Hoping it doesn't get too bad!

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