Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Bottoms, baseball, bubbles and buddies!

We have had some issues with diapers lately.  Lucy is telling me several times a day she wants to go sit on the potty but every time she does, nothing happens.  I don't plan to potty train yet, I don't think she is ready, but SHE thinks she is ready. Yesterday I found this....

Yep she had gotten some of her sisters panties out and put them on herself (except both legs in one hole).  I had no idea she did this and after dinner I noticed it and Jay and I were cracking up!!!

Then this morning, I noticed we had a problem.  Look closely...

Her diaper had fallen to her ankle.  She kept looking at it and couldn't figure out what in the world was going on haha!

Today was cleaning day but after yesterday's storms, we had to get out of the house today!  I cleaned early this morning and we spent most of the day in the yard.  Of course Brayden was hitting off his tee.

We went on a walk and I was pushing the double stroller, Trey wanted to push a stroller along with Cadence and B was riding his bike.  They called this our "parade."

While on our walk, you can see this family of geese.  There were a mom, a dad, and 3 little babies.  So cute!

And we always have a popsicle or two!

Ax brought some bubbles today left over from his party so the kids had fun with these today.

Tonight we went to Brayden's practice, where 3 of us waited there and no one else showed, not even the coach ugh!  I think there must have been a text sent and we missed the memo or something.  It was kinda frustrating but anyway Karis was playing out on the field and fell in a puddle of mud.  She was COVERED!  This picture doesn't do it justice but it was caked all over her.  She was crying because she was embarrassed, but luckily I keep a bag in the car with a change of clothes for all the kids just in case.  So it came in handy today!  I took her to the car, soaked her down and changed her clothes and she was good to go.

So we came home and Jay and Brayden practiced baseball in the yard and the girls and I jumped on the trampoline.  We played and laughed and laughed and played.  I love hearing those belly laughs!  And I forgot how much of a workout jumping on the trampoline is!  

For sure after our mud incident it was a bath night.  We turned the bubbles on and the kids played for a long time but Lucy wanted no part of those bubbles ha!

Karis has Spring pics tomorrow at school so we changed out her earrings for the first time since she got them pierced 4 weeks ago.  You can't see them good but they are just little fake diamond studs.  She asked me if they were real or fake...ummmm just really fake.  :)

The kids were all in great moods tonight and we had such good family time.  I am truly blessed!

1 comment :

  1. What a fun day you had with the kids. Great pictures as always.

    Have a great day.
