Thursday, April 28, 2011

Highs and Lows

WOW the past few days have been so many emotions, so many high highs and low lows.  I am behind on blogging because due to all the storms in our area lately, our internet has been down.  So as I type, I am sitting in Chick-fil-A blogging/paying online bills while my kiddos play on the playground.  There are so many things I want/need to blog about however there are so many things to mention, I don't even know where to start.

Often at dinner time at our house, you will find us playing a game of highs and lows. Everyone at the table will state their high of the day and their low.  So in honor of the randomness of this post and the past several days happenings, this post will be a long game of my highs and lows over the past couple of days.

Low: As you all know, there have been terrible storms over the South since Monday.  I am deathly afraid of tornadoes so these past few days have been very stressful for me.  Trying to be strong for the kids, but turmoil inside me!  Storms passed us by thankfully, but leaving behind MANY inches of rain.  Others weren't quite as lucky and many over the South have been killed and lost everything. The pictures are absolutely devastating and I can NOT imagine.  
High:  I have an appreciation for the house/car/family I have.  Also I became somewhat not as afraid of the storms because there were so many.  The tornado siren became a nuisance most of the time.  I got tired of hearing them and I even weathered out some of the tornado warnings on my couch rather than under the stairs.

This is a screenshot off of my phone during all the craziness.  It wasn't just one storm, it was storm after storm after storm.  Over the course of the 2 days we probably had 10 tornado warnings.  

Low:  The kids were afraid of the storms (along with me) and slept in my room.
High:  I got some great snuggles with these two.  Also they learned to help each other and take care/protect each other.  Brayden was afraid one night and I found Karis with her arms around him saying, "I will protect you Brayden!" Brayden (my prayer warrior) has also prayed many times for us for God's protection.  He prayed that daddy and Lucy would find their "safe place" (storm shelter) from the tornado.

Cool pic I got off of facebook on my phone. It was taken by a girl at Union University (my alma mater).  

Low: My internet has been down at the house.  I needed to pay bills!
High: My internet has been down at the house.  :)  Nice break actually.

Kiddos at Chick-fil-a tonight while I was working on my computer.

Low:  We still have a student loan to pay off.
High:  Tonight I am paying off our credit cards (which we have had for years) with our income tax check we got in the mail this week.  We will officially be credit card debt free as of tonight and I could just scream it from the mountain tops!!!!!  Our goal is to be completely debt free by December and then I WILL scream it from the mountaintops!!!!!!!

Low:  The MANY hours of watching weather this week have cut into some of my fav shows (Biggest Loser, a new show I love The Voice).
High:  I caught up today on them and I love the new Voice cool!

Low: Royal Wedding way too early to watch live, however...
High:  It will be DVR'ed and I will watch.  I am not a fanatic, just curious.  Just interested to see history in the making.  I can't imagine being a normal girl then all of a sudden a princess.  Don't think I would want to be in her shoes.

Low: I miss my hubby.
High:  I am so thankful for Skype.

Low:  Lucy has been at Lolli's all week and I miss my Lucy.
High:  I have had special time with the big kids.  And I have gotten to relax a little and do things I might have not gotten to do with a little one.  We have done something special every night but looking forward to seeing Lucy tomorrow night!

My battery is about to run out and I am out of time, but I am so thankful for these coming few days.  Tomorrow is Karis' Kindergarten program and Brayden has several tball games this weekend.  Hopefully our internet will be back up soon and I can blog from home!


  1. Loved that Union pic! I'm DVRing the wedding, too.
    I also am very fearful in those storms, and it is one of the reasons I am thankful to live in East TN..where supposedly they rarely have such sever weather (until last night, that is!!)
    Glad ya'll are ok! oh, and so happy for you about paying down debt. We were debt-free 2 years ago May. It is a great feeling-hang in there!!

  2. Hope all the bad weather go away soon. My prayers are with all of you.

    Take care
