Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Quick update

I don't have anything too exciting to share other than a quick update and some randoms.  Brayden is still on steroids (makin' him and me crazy) and breathing treatments.  I was only up with him once in the middle of the night and Lucy slept through the night for the first time in 4-5 nights.  Her nose is still way yucky/green but no fever so we are still waiting it out.  But today was much better than yesterday so hopefully we are on our way up!

This sweety helped me make some brownies for Karis for when she got home from school...

Random....but I was washing our sheets and comforters today and I also run a load and bleach our pillows.  Well of my pillows EXPLODED and the pillow was obviously no mo'.  Guess I will be buying a new pillow soon....yuck.  Cleanup was not fun.

These are some pics of the kids I took Sunday before church and I am just now pulling them off my camera...

Lastly, tonight Jay had the biggest meeting of the year for our Association.  It is a meeting they have only once a year and it kinda sums up the past year as well as the vision for 2011.  He has been prepping for this for weeks and he said it went really well!  I am so proud of my man and how God is using him!  

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