Saturday, October 9, 2010

All kinds of stuff....

Yesterday I was feeling a little under the weather and didn't blog but I did give my blog a facelift (overall new look...background, header, new fonts/font colors).  I get tired of it often and the pics I had were a little outdated!  So if you are a Google Reader gal (I am)...check out the new look here!  For those that don't know...Google Reader is a way to see all your fav blogs in one place and you don't actually have to go to each blog every time you look at them.  I love it!

Anyway, I was feeling much better today (guess I had a little bug yesterday...absolutely no energy or appetite) yet we started off the day pretty lazy...I love Saturday mornings!  

Karis practiced her letter matching game (yep, her idea on her day off of school, not mine).  But I sure didn't mind!  :)

Lucy loves to color these days.  I guess she has seen her sissy do it a time or two 2, 999 times!

Lucy's masterpiece 10-9-10 (a day shy of 17 months old)

Today we met up for lunch with some old friends (not age old) that have moved away and were back in town for the weekend.  You can visit some old blogs here, here, and here.  Chris and Ashley Clark both went to college with me and Ashley was actually an acquaintance (friend of a friend) before we even got to college and then ended up being ZTA sisters while there.  Later our hubbies ended up on church staff together for a while.  They moved away 1.5 years ago and we haven't seen them since.  They were back in town today for a wedding and we were THRILLED to see them!  After all, Thomas was Karis' first little friend (sniff sniff)!  They have 3 children also...Thomas (age 6), Maggie (age 4) and Mary Taylor (age 3).  

Here are the girls...(L to R Lucy, Karis, Maggie and Mary Taylor)

...and the boys! (Brayden and Thomas)

Me and my sweet friend Ashley (she told me to mention that she couldn't find her blow dryer this morning so excuse her crazy hair...whatever she always looks great!).

When we left Jay brought Lucy home to nap and I took K and B grocery shopping (Aldi's and Walmart).  Yes I bribe them sometimes and this is the bribery reward Brayden got...chocolate.  Hey you gotta do what you gotta do sometimes!  I pick my battles around here!  It was hot today and it melted in his hands.  I had to capture this moment no matter how disgusting it looked haha!

This afternoon Jay took the kids to pick a piece or two of cotton for memory sake while I unloaded groceries.  What sweet memories with dad!

Tonight we made homemade pizzas for dinner and they were so good and fun to make!  

He was concentrating so hard can you tell?  haha

Tonight we watched the movie Letters to God.  OH. MY. WORD.  It was so good and so sad!  I had to seriously hold back so I didn't sob and scare the kids.  Jay was laughing at me because he knew I would cry like a baby!  Karis said it made her sad too but she liked it.  OHHHH how I am so thankful for my healthy children tonight.  It puts it all in perspective.  Despite how crazy busy our day was, it was well spent with the family and I am thankful to have them!!!


  1. Looks real good! I like playing with mine, too. It's fun.

  2. Love the new look!!! I'll have to checkout that movie!!

  3. I need to work on that google reader thing! That sound so cool!

    I love the new blog look! :)

    I can't believe your kiddos are so big!!

  4. I love the new look!

    That movie is so good! .. I cried my eyes out!
