Sunday, October 3, 2010

Our Sunday

We all woke up late this morning (possibly from our super busy weekend and girl slumber party haha) but managed to all get ready and out of the house in about an hour!  I kept the nursery this morning so I wasn't in the service but it is always so refreshing to see my church family!  We love our church.

Last night my mom sent us home with this kid 4-wheeler.  A friend of hers was selling it because there was a piece broken on it and Jay was going to fix it for Brayden.  Brayden was just as excited about the helmet as he was the actual 4-wheeler.  He slept with it last night haha!  This afternoon it was still in the back of Jay's truck and Brayden kept wanting to just sit on it. :)

Along with all the clothes Lolli bought Karis yesterday she also found this new bike for Brayden.  He was soooo excited!  It is a little bit bigger than his other one so it is easier for him to ride.

Today my girls wore matching outfits so I had to take a picture of them...

Besides what Jay and I gave her at her birthday party, we wrapped up a few other little things for her to open on her birthday morning.  But because of one thing that was in there, we went ahead and let her open it early.  Here she is opening it...

Part of it is a best friend necklace she has been wanting to give half of it to her best friend Mari-Morgan. I knew she wouldn't see her all week long and we are going over there tonight for small group so I wanted her to be able to give it to her.

Brayden wearing some 3d glasses that came with a present she got yesterday (sorry pics out of order and I don't have time to fix)...

These are all the happies that were in her bag...

Tonight we went to small group and Karis shared her BFF necklace with Mari-Morgan.  I took this pic with my iPhone of them tonight...

Happy Birthday POP!!!  Today is his official birthday!  We love you!

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