Saturday, October 23, 2010

Our "punkin" destruction party...

Do you remember this pumpkin Brayden (Lolli) drew/painted at the Fall Festival that I blogged about earlier today?    

Well it was still a work in progress apparently because Brayden wanted to destroy it with his new fake gun.

So daddy got out his real 22 (he decided not to pull out the BIG guns...pun intended) and decided to "help" him...

And Karis did this most of the time...

...until she decided to give it a try herself.

But daddy ended up doing the damage...

My boys and their guns...

Daddy decided to finish it off by throwing it up and busting it and the kids loved that part!




The kids decided to clean it themselves...(and don't worry...those were NOT sharp knives)...

They had a "helper" in Lucy...someday sweet girl...someday.

Karis took the "innards" and has been making her own concoction "pumpkin pie."  I never knew how much fun a tiny pumpkin could be!

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