Thursday, October 21, 2010

Chick motorcycle

Today Lolli came to visit to stay for a few days and she came bearing clothes and toys, as she does most of the time.  Lucy was a hoot seeing her clothes...she would go and get each hanger and bring it to Lolli to try on and then she would go and get another one and this went on until she had tried on everything and wanted to start over.  It was funny...she is going to be my little shopping buddy someday!  I took the next two with my IPhone because she was posing in her new clothes.  

Lolli got Karis this pink motorized motorcycle at a yard sale a while back and brought it today when she came.  Karis was excited to ride it and Lucy thought she had to be a big girl and join in.  She has been such the big girl lately and thinks she is just one of "them."

Don't worry...we were right behind her the whole time.

She was saying "oooohhhhh!" here...

My kiddos LOVE their Lolli....can't you tell?

My sweet boy (and his crazy finger toy)...

So glad Lolli is here for a few days...good times!

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