Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Letter S

Sassy, School, Sweet, Slides, Siblings, Smiles, Success, Sugars, Snuggles and Sniffles

SUGAR and SPICE and everything nice...that's what this post is made of.  Well, not the spice part.

My pics as of this week have been lacking of my oldest since she is not here with us.  So I had to make up for it this morning.  :)

SASSY and SWEET SCHOOL chick-a-dee

I love how my other two appreciate the time they do have with Karis.  This morning before SCHOOL, they all 3 played together until K left and then they all shared SUGARS and SNUGGLES.
It brings tears to my eyes..SNIFF SNIFF.  I love that they all love each other.

Lucy conquered the SLIDE today...all by herself.


Brayden giving Lucy thumbs up for SUCCESS!

More SUGARS and SNUGGLES from my this new found relationship these two have.


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