Friday, August 13, 2010

Karis' first week of Kindergarten

Karis came home on Friday with this bag full of goodies from her first week of Kindergarten.  I immediately knew I was in for some tears!  I have missed my baby so much this week and have watched her grow up so much with this big change.  I had to document some of the sweet things that were in the bag because (to me) they are worth a million bucks!


My friend and photographer Tara had suggested that I read The Kissing Hand after she read one of my sappy "missin' my girl" posts this week. I haven't gotten it yet but plan to very soon.  Karis came home with this and it goes with this same book that they had read in their class.  She said, "Mom this is for when you miss me, you can pretend I am blowing you a kiss!"  I grabbed her and started crying!!!  It just melted my heart!

"I ride to school in a car."

Sweet memories I will cherish forever!

Oh and a funny story I forgot to write earlier this week but I don't want to forget it....
Karis came home on the 3rd day of school and said, "MOM!  Guess what???  The President touched me today!"  I immediately said, "What????"  She repeated herself and I asked her to clarify.  She said, "I was walking down the hall in line doing 'hips and lips' and the President (she was meaning 'Principal') came by and touched me on the shoulder and said, 'Good job!'"  That's my girl!  :)  

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