Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Back in the swing of things

Summer is officially over, although the temp doesn't say so (we have record highs in the 100's), and I am back in the saddle again.  I started working again on Monday and it is glad to see my babysitting babies but so sad to send off my firstborn to Kindergarten!  As that day draws near, I get more and more anxious....not for her, she will do great. But for me (mom) because it won't be as easy for me.  I'm struggling to say the least but I won't bother you with that in this post...I'll save it for Thursday!

Brayden is SOOO excited to have a new playmate this year, Trey!  He has anticipated it all summer and the day is finally here!

It has been SOOOO hot outside so we have not been able to go out which has left us inside and having to be creative as to what to do with our time.  We have spent lots of time doing these...

And this....

They made meatballs....alot of them!

Brayden likes to play games on my phone when I allow him to...

And Axton has enjoyed carrying around this purse!  It had Karis' makeup in it and he has enjoyed pulling it out and putting it back in over and over again haha!

While I was grocery shopping last night, Jay was keeping Lucy and sent me this pic he took with his phone.  Attached to it he said, "I found Lucy cleaning her night stand in her room tonight.  The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree!"  Haha he is so right.

And today, multiple times, I have found her going to get the rag off the sink and cleaning various things. I found her cleaning the carpet tonight... (and NO I don't clean the carpet, but mostly everything else!).

Then I caught her cleaning this...

We are glad to back on a schedule of sorts and so ready for Fall!

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