First of all, today was a day that felt somewhat cool for the first time in weeks and it was WONDERFUL! Yes, it was still in the 90s but that seems very cool compared to the 100 plus we have had lately! HURRY UP FALL!
This morning we celebrated Olivia's birthday with a SUPER water slide...I am talking HUGE. The kids loved it and didn't stop the whole time.
Olivia used to be a foster child of my family but has since been adopted by some very good friends of my parents so Karis and Olivia have remained friends over the years. These are some of my fav pics of Olivia and Karis when they were babies.
I still crack up when I see this picture. She LOVED food and she snuck these donuts out of the van and was chowing down!

This is Karis and Olivia today :)
Our friends, Ed and Stephanie have 3 girls and just a month or so ago adopted this sweet Lawson from Ethiopia. He is ADORABLE and such a sweety!
Brayden had his lunch and THEN about 3 plates like this of watermelon!
The bday girl Olivia
Lucy LOVED this drink.
Brayden discovered this toy Cadillac Escalade and played with it until we left. I am afraid in about 12 years this pair could be trouble haha!
After the party I went shopping with my mom because it was tax free weekend. They had some great deals in JCPenneys and we got Karis some school clothes for some as little as a dollar or 3 or 4. Most of the stuff was 70% off!!! I LOVE some deals.
Mom got these matching outfits for the girls and this animal print outfit for Karis.
Some of these pants were seriously 97 cents and shorts were $6!
These were legging shirts (long to wear with leggings) and are so cute and the leggings (capri and long) to match.
We are in a transition stage with Karis' hair. I have always put bows in Karis' hair but she is outgrowing them. I am fully aware (although I don't like it too much) that she is growing up. So she is really in to headbands and clips. So I got her a few new ones to wear to school.
After we shopped we came back to Lolli's house for a while to let the kids play. Mom had gotten Lucy this adorable new outfit so I attempted to take a few pics of her.
Pop and Lulu swinging....
Karis gave me and Lolli these flowers she found...
I was asking her, "Where's sissy?" And she was signing, "Where?"
Collecting things from the yard (rocks, bugs etc). All was fun and games until.......
Lucy put a locust shell in her mouth....GROSS! This is Lolli digging it out of her mouth haha.
Brayden cutting up magnolia leaves...
We got home around dinner and my sweet hubby had cooked dinner for us (grilled chicken, sweet potato fries and lima beans). Lucy was hamming it up and making all of us laugh! Apparently, we need to work on the whole manners thing.
It was a great day...looking forward to church tomorrow morning, a relaxing afternoon and the start of our Fall connect groups.
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