Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Kindergarten Open House

Tonight is something that Karis has looked forward to for weeks...getting to meet her teacher.  She talked about it all day and was counting down the hours.  She and I painted her fingernails and toenails this afternoon so she would be "ready" for the big night.  

Lucy chillin' and waiting on us to go!

In Karis' room we found her name on the "Monkeyin' Around" wall.  I hope she doesn't have to pull any of those bananas! 

Karis and her teacher Mrs. L

Her hallway

Brayden was there for moral support and he carried sissy's backpack for her.  Sweet brother!

Lulu was along for the ride...

Around the school...

Karis going through her packet of Kindergarten stuff...we went over all the rules and such with her.  She is scared to death she will have to go to the principal's office haha.  Healthy fear is a good thing!  I wonder if she can get that to rub off on her brother when it is time for him to go to school haha!

After we left open house, we went to Baskin Robbins to get ice cream and celebrate the big day tomorrow!  She is thrilled about school!

Lulu LOVED the ice cream!

The Kindergarten girl is asleep now...hoping for good rest and a wonderful day for her tomorrow.  She will do great but this momma isn't doing so well.  Prayers please!  

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