Saturday, May 8, 2010

What's in a name...

This week at Kelly's Korner it is the origin of kid's names and I wanted to document them in my family scrapbook.  It is such an amazing responsibility and privilege to name a child!  We took it very seriously and wanted to name all of our children based on biblical meaning, significance and family history.

Karis Taylor
"But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me." 2 Corinthians 12:9

When we were pregnant with Karis, Jay was in Seminary taking a Greek class.  We loved the name Grace and it's biblical meaning but there are lots of children out there with the name Grace and for all of our children, we wanted something "different" or "uncommon."  So one day Jay was studying Greek and he mentioned to me that the Greek word for Grace was "charis."  I loved it and we immediately agreed on the name but being the teacher that I am, I changed the spelling to avoid it being mispronounced.  We just liked the name Taylor and how is sounded with Karis.

Karis, I pray that someday you will recognize your need for Christ and that God's grace is sufficient for you.  When you are weak, He is indeed strong!

Brayden James
"And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, 'How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!'' Romans 10:15

When we went for Brayden's 20 week ultrasound, we went in just as all parents do, soooo excited to find out that our baby (didn't know the gender yet) was perfectly healthy!  Much to our surprise, the ultrasound tech was being very quiet and after a few minutes, says, "The reason I was staying in this area for so long is because it looks like your baby may have clubbed feet."  I don't really know why I was surprised because Jay and I both had it, but Karis didn't have them so I guess I was shocked when they told me B did even though it is more common in males.  I immediately started crying.  I guess I was just in shock and it was hard to hear that something was "wrong" with the baby growing inside me.  I now know that his defect was VERY mild and there are so many others with MUCH bigger issues so I soon started counting my blessings.  Anyway, all that to say that it played a role in how we named him.  After the ultrasound we were looking through our Bible names book and I came across the verse above.  I KNEW it was the perfect name for our son.  Brayden..."How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news."  There wasn't a doubt in my mind that God wanted our son's name to be Brayden.  I do believe someday that He will use those feet to glorify God by bringing good news.  We gave him the middle name James after his daddy.  :)

Brayden, I pray that you would use your beautiful feet and bravery to share the good news of Christ.

(For those that are curious, Brayden did have pretty bad clubbed feet and had to have surgery at 5 weeks old to correct it and then had casting on his leg until he was 4 months old.  But it was corrected and it hasn't stopped him from doing anything!)

Lucy Madison
"In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and glory to your Father who is in heaven." Matthew 5:16

We wanted to give a family name to one of our children which we hadn't already done at this point.  Jay's maternal grandmother's name was Lucy and we admire her so much.  She has become like a grandmother to me as well.  We are so much alike it is hard to believe she is Jay's grandmother and not mine.  It was an honor to name our daughter after Lucy Wicks.  Karis gave Lucy the middle name Madison after a girl from church that she admired and loved, Anna Madison. :)

Lucy I do hope and pray that you are a "light" wherever you go so that others may hear the good news of Christ through you.

1 comment :

  1. What a GREAT post! It is so important to document these things!! I love all of their names and meanings!
