Saturday, May 15, 2010

Blog award

Audrey surprised me with a blog award a while back and I TOTALLY forgot to blog about it!  It just dawned on me that I never "accepted" the award...I'm so sorry Audrey!

Audrey is a friend of mine with 2 PRECIOUS children, Jack and Jovie.  She has wonderful posts about being a stay-at-home mom and how blessed she is with these two children.  Go check out her's great!

As far as giving the award, I like Ashley's idea!  I will leave it here for grabs for anybody that wants to accept it or give it to someone else.  You want it, it's yours!

1 comment :

  1. hey girl! its no big deal! i don't take these little awards too seriously! they are just something fun!!!

    hope you are doing well!
