Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

I wanted to say Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there!  As a mother myself, I know that mothers have one of the hardest jobs out there and alot of the hard work and hours are done behind the scenes without notice by anyone.  Being a mother is hard work but such a privilege and an honor!  I am thankful that the Lord allowed me to a mother to 3 wonderful children and I recognize that they are undeserved gifts to me!

Specifically, I wanted to say Happy Mother's Day to 2 very special mothers:
  • Lolli (my mother)-Thank you for being a mother that was there for us, available to us, sacrificed your own desires so that you could provide for us, taught us manners and respect, made God a priority in our home and made me learn responsibility at a young age.  I am very thankful for you and am who I am today because of you and dad.
  • Nonnie (Jay's mother)-Thank you for sacrificing to provide for Jay, making him a priority in your life, providing financially, emotionally and physically for him, raising him to love the Lord, loving him unconditionally and raising him to the amazing man that I am so in love with today.  I am so proud of him and thankful that you raised him the way that you did!  

If you'll remember from last year on Mother's Day, I was laboring and later had a baby!  Lucy entered our lives on Mother's Day and it was the best gift a Momma could ask for on Mother's Day!  You can read about it here.  Lucy's birthday post coming tomorrow!  Yah!!!!

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