What an incredible day! There is nothing greater than to celebrate your child's birthday on Mother's Day. Last year, the Lord gave me the most precious gift for Mother's Day...Lucy! So although her birthday is tomorrow, we celebrated today with family. I can't believe she is ONE!
Each year, I do handprints for the grandmothers (and me) for Mother's Day. I love to see how they have grown over the years. Due to my number of children growing and the handprints getting bigger, I am running out of room on the paper!
Love this poem...
Karis picked out these flowers for me all by herself. :)
Jay got me a personalized necklace but it hasn't arrived yet...so I will be sure to post a picture when it comes in. Hopefully it will be here today! :)
This afternoon we celebrated Lucy's 1st birthday with family. I was so excited to see how she would react to opening gifts and eating cake. It was a wonderful time and she was so much fun. Karis and Brayden were very sweet to celebrate with Lucy!
***Warning I took LOTS of pics. SO if you don't like pics you will be bored!
My birthday girl!
Our friend from church, Phyllis, made this cake for Lucy...isn't it adorable? And it was DELICIOUS! We were so excited that she did it for us!
I told you she is a climber!
Lucy and Pop-Pop
Me and my birthday girl!
Lucy and Grandmother Lucy
She was dying to get into the presents!
Opening gifts...
Brayden's very own batting helmet Lolli brought him. He was super excited!
...and this smart cycle Lolli got at a yard sale. The kids had so much fun with this!
Lolli and Lucy
Lucy LOVED the cake!
Our attempts at a family shot...
Of course Lucy had LOTS of help from Karis and Brayden...
Here she was saying, "MMMMMM!!!" It was so funny!
(There is a video of it at bottom of post.)
Lucy with mommy and daddy
Grandmother Lucy and Pinto
Uncle Hudson "Haha" and Aunt Judy "Juju"
So sweet...
Lucy and Pop
She loves to climb on top of the picnic table but hasn't quite learned how to get down!
Lucy and Aunt Jessie
At the end of the party I told K and B they could have one each of the helium balloons. Karis decided she wanted to let hers go and put her address on it so if anyone found it they could write her a letter!
About to let "Balloony" go...
Lucy was watching it go up, up up...
Daddy and Lucy
Below are some videos of Lucy from the party today....the cake one is so funny!
We love you so much Lucy!
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