Thursday, May 20, 2010

Church, teeth and pictures

After all the posting I did last weekend, I have taken a break from the camera and have enjoyed the time off.  But I couldn't stay away too long so I had to play catch-up today!

Karis made this picture the other day and it is way too sweet not to post.  I want to remember this later...

I have caught Lucy several times climbing up on the dishwasher.  Twice she was actually standing up and screaming because she couldn't get down.  

Lucy is cutting her eye teeth and chews on everything.  Recently, she loves "brushing" her teeth...

Speaking of teeth, this week Jay was flossing Karis' teeth and she came into the kitchen and said, "Mom I have an adult tooth."  Of course I said, "No baby you don't because you haven't lost any of your baby teeth yet."  Soon after Jay came in the kitchen and said, "Have you seen her tooth???"  I then took a look at this...look closely.  Bottom middle left she has a tooth coming in BEHIND her baby tooth!  The baby tooth is a little loose but not ready to come out yet.  She will need braces for sure if this keeps up!  

I was going through picture withdrawals so I followed them around for a camera for a while today.  Karis kept saying, "Let's take some more mom...this is fun!!!"   What mom doesn't love taking pics of their kids especially when they are somewhat cooperating.

They were doing a puppet show with socks on their hands....

She was downin' her milk!

Love 'em!

1 comment :

  1. Adorable photos!! Your kids are so sweet!

    (Oh, and Emma Kate's tooth did the same exact thing. It didn't come in as crooked as I thought it would after the baby one fell out.)
