This is what we woke up to out our kitchen window this morning....GORGEOUS! When I see things like this, I just can't fathom that there are people that don't believe in the one true God!
His mercies are truly new every morning and the Lord reminded me when I saw this...
If you read yesterday's post when Lucy climbed from her little rocking chair to the night stand, soon after this morning we moved the chair to a different part of her room. Well apparently, she is alot smarter than we are! I walked in to this today...
Yep she climbed onto the twin bed in her room!
And then tried to get down head first...that's when I went to rescue her.
And Brayden apparently grew wings....
This afternoon I laid Lucy down for her nap and about 20 minutes later I heard a LARGE thud and ran in her room to check on her. She was laying on this pink rug below her bed. SHE HAD CLIMBED OUT OF HER BED!!!
Yes, it was on the lowest setting. Yes, she was fine. Yes, I was scared to death. Yes, I then stripped her bed of the bumper pads. NO...I hope she doesn't ever do that again.
Do I need to remind you she is ONLY 1 (like as of May 10th) so way too early to move her to a big girl bed. Goodness gracious, she can't even walk yet (more than 5-7 steps at a time) but she can climb out of her bed!!! Poor thing she is down to the bare bones in her bed now. I did add a pillow for her so hopefully she won't use that to escape from jail!
Today was my last day of work so tomorrow is our first day of summer! I am so excited about getting to do fun things with my kids. Tomorrow morning we are doing girls day/boys day. I am taking Lucy for her one year check-up/shots tomorrow morning and poor Karis she doesn't know it yet but she is getting her Kindergarten shots too. I can NOT tell her until we get there or she will literally not sleep tonight. Later she will be glad I didn't her time to analyze, worry, freak out, anticipate think about it. Before she knows it she will have it behind her and can actually look forward to going to school in the Fall. After that I will be taking the girls to do something fun...not sure what yet but I think shopping and ice cream are in our future! And we are hitting the pool tomorrow...I need a tan and the kids are dying to go!
Let the summer begin!!!!
Beautiful photo!! I think about the same thing all the time! How can people look at the creation and not believe!?!?