Sunday, June 29, 2008

Play night with some friends

Saturday night Karis had some friends over while their mom and dad went to a banquet and they played hard until midnight!  This is Karis and Kendall playing dress-up...what princesses!

When I asked Karis what she was doing in this picture below she told me, "I am showing Kendall how to pose like a princess!"
Kendall the princess
Me and Drew
Me and the girls
We made a pallet, popped some popcorn and watched Madagascar.  It was a hit and they were awake for every second of it.
I had a really cute video of them dancing at the end of the movie but can't get it to download for some reason.  I will try again is priceless!

1 comment :

  1. Thank you again for keeping them Saturday night. . . they had an absolute blast. . .I can see from the pics why they are begging to come back:) I expected nothing less! You are the best!
