Saturday, June 14, 2008

Hangin' with the Adkins!

Tonight we hung out with some old friends that we went to Longview Heights with, Jay and Jennifer Adkins. The have 2 children, Chloe (8) and Will (2) and have a new recent addition to their home, a foster child that I can't mention details about (for privacy reasons). You can read her blog at They have such a neat story of how God called them to adoption (after having 2 of their own) and how he has given them a heart for children that need a safe, loving, God-fearing home and has now led them to foster also with the goal still being adoption. We swam for a couple of hours this afternoon and then grilled out. We had such a great time and ate alot...and laughed alot. Their new addition is just precious and such a sweet, mannerly little boy. Ours and Theirs played great together and we look forward to another outing soon. (I do have pics but can't post them).

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