Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Bon Voyage Jonathan!

Today my brother will board a plane to Brazil to spend the summer doing what he loves...missions. He just graduated high school last week, spend the past week in Guatemala, was home for about 36 hours and today will leave to be gone for 2 months. His summer will be two parts: for the first couple of weeks he will be an intern to a local pastor and will basically be doing logistics for missions teams coming in and then at the beginning of July will, along with a few other men, will live on a boat going from tribe to tribe meeting the people. He is so excited and we know that our Father will do amazing things through him.

Jonathan asks that you pray for him this summer that the Lord will use him in a way that he doesn't expect and that He would open doors to share. Also lift up his safety/health that he would be physically able to do service. Please check his blog (which he will be updating regularly as long as he has internet access) at Please leave him a note of encouragement or comment there so that he will be continually rejuvenated throughout the summer.

Last night my parents threw him a "going away/birthday" party for him (his birthday is June 9th and will be gone). Below are some pics from the evening.Karis and her Uncle Jon-Jon

Brayden and his Uncle Jon-Jon (Jonathan bought he and Brayden matching Guatemalan soccer jerseys last week while in Guatemala)

Brayden and his Uncle Allen

Brayden drinking his Lolli's Coke

My dad, the cook

Jonathan and his buddies

My brother Matt, his girlfriend Tiffany and Karis

Karis and Tiff have matching Guatemalan sandals (Karis thought that was so cool)!

Jonathan with Ryan and Debbie Johnston (the college minister at Faith)

Karis with Briana Kellum

The kids with their great-grandmother Mimi (my dad's mom)

Brayden with his Uncle Matt

We are so proud of you Jonathan! We know that our Father will use you in an amazing way this summer. Remember to commit each day to Him and allow Him to transform you to His image. Through your experiences, we know that you will never be the same! We can't wait to hear how the Lord has used you!

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