Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Bitter Sweet

Today is a bitter sweet day for me as I remember 2 special people in my life.

Today the 25th of June, would have been Amber's 29th birthday. I have thought all morning of her sweet family and what today must be for them. I know this day is bitter sweet for Anthony as well and for her dear sweet mom who gave birth to her 29 years ago today. I am sure, like I am, they are reminiscing of her life and remembering the good 'ole days. Although I have shed a few tears this morning, I am rejoicing in the life that she lived and the mom, wife, daughter and friend that she was to so many. And what an amazing birthday she is experiencing today...sitting in the presence of the Almighty...exactly where she would want to be. There is no birthday gift, event, party, or card that could be equivalent than what she is doing today...glorifying the Lord with her praises, songs and words.

As I was reading this morning in Luke 8, I read a commentary by Beth Moore and she said this,
"I long to sit at Jesus' feet in heaven and hear Him describe personally what his earthly experience was like. I can't wait to hear all the missing details and what he was thinking when certain things happened. I think He will have plenty to say about his peculiar confinement to a human shell."
I wonder the same things and I also would love to sit and talk to Amber about heaven. I am sure no words would be adequate to describe what being with the Lord is like. And I know that anyone who has experienced that would never choose to come back..I know I wouldn't. Please pray for her family today as this will be her first birthday they will experience without her here.

Tomorrow would have been my grandmother's birthday. She was a hero to me and I think of her each year on this day and remember her life. She was always such a bundle of laughter and oh what fun we had with her! Grandparents are such special people and oh what I would have given for her to have known my children. She would have loved to play dolls with Karis and let Brayden play in the mud up to his eyeballs. And then when I came to pick them up, she would cover her mouth and laugh as if to say, "Oh no, she caught us!" When I would ask what they have been doing, she would reply, "It's our little secret!" :)

1 comment :

  1. Amanda...thanks for sharing this. I said a prayer for Anthony, Amber's family and you, as I know yesterday was a tough day.

