Friday, June 27, 2008

Brayden turns 2!!!

Today my baby turned 2!!!  It seems like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital and now he is no baby anymore!  We spent most of the day getting party for the big party tonight and Brayden practiced his "birthday dance."  He kept saying "birtday!" and "I 2!" 

His Aunt Jessica (Jay's sister) and Grandmother (Jay's grandmother) came in town to help us with the party today.  Here he is opening presents from Nonnie and Pop-Pop, Aunt Jessica and Grandmother and Pinto. He enjoyed playing with the airplane and firetruck and we will definitely enjoy Toy Story and Nemo!
Brayden with Grandmother
Brayden with Aunt Jessie...Who needs a seatbelt when you got a "hemit" like this one???
The kids played on the waterslide for a while (well...those that got brave enough!).  
Those attempting the slide
Ethan was proud of his accomplishment :)
Karis playing in the water
Brayden's sweet Uncle Allen who took him down the slide so I wouldn't have to :)
Then Brayden got brave and did himself..he loved the slide part but not the puddle of freezing water at the bottom!
Brayden playing in the pool
Karis and Brayden eating dinner...hamburgers and hot dogs...and cheetos of course!
Lolli and Pop (my mom and dad)
Little David Fields
Maggie Clark
Brent and Rachel Morris (and sweet little Jack)
Brayden wanted to ride Mr. Brandon's motorcycle which he calls a "bicycle."  "Look mom what I got for my 2nd birthday!"  Think again!
Brayden and his Pop
Brayden blowing out his candles on his baseball cupcake
I think he liked it...what do you think?
Brayden opening his gifts. I still don't think he understood the party was for him...I know he was wondering, "Where did all these presents come from and why did they bring them to the swimming pool?"  He got many fun things to play with!
Brayden playing ball with his Pop
The kids on their quest for frogs (while eating their blow pops of course).
Well Brayden got to go home with Lolli tonight for a special treat so Karis went to Mari-Morgan's house for a sleepover!  What a treat!
My 2 year old baby boy

Brayden and his Lolli after opening the train set she gave him!

Brayden you are such a gift from the Lord.  I thank the Lord that He has given you to us and what a blessing you have been.  We pray that the Lord allows us many more birthdays to celebrate with you and to enjoy one another!  We love you with all our hearts...Mom and Dad

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