Saturday, June 7, 2008


Five years ago (at 4:00 to be exact) Jay and I said "I DO." It has been the best 5 years of my life and not only did I marry the love of my life, but my best friend. We have experienced so much together and I am so thankful that the Lord has blessed us with this time together. I know that everyday is a gift and I can only pray that He will show us grace so that we can grow old and gray together. His blessings I am not worthy to receive but I can only say "thank you" to the Lord for allowing me to walk through life with this wonderful man. Jay, to you I say "I love you" and "I am so proud of you" for being a wonderful husband and father. May the Lord forever be our guide. Today is truly a celebration and I only look forward to many more years walking hand in hand and side by side in this journey we call life.

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