Saturday, May 17, 2008

Our fun filled day

Today we went to the Hernando A-fair at the town square and it was so much fun! I had never been before and they had some great stuff! We met our friends Paige, Mari-Morgan and Nathan there and the kids had a blast.

Karis and Mari-Morgan (MO-gan as Brayden calls her)

The fun slide...oh Brayden wanted to do it so bad!

After naps, we decided to enjoy the beautiful weather some more and played outside for a while. Then the kids wanted to see our neighbor's lamb so went over there to see it. WOW it has grown since we have seen it last! You might recall the recent pics of a lamb with a diaper on??? This is the same one although it doesn't look like it.

Karis and the lamb (and Mr. of her favorite people in the whole world)

Brayden wanted to see the chickens (until it jumped up near the fence and he got really scared!)

When we got home Karis had the idea to eat dinner on the back porch so we grilled out chicken and had us a little picnic (kinda). She thought that was really cool. Then we had girl night and did fingernails and toe nails...the boys chose not to partake.

Please pray for our sweet Brayden. He has not felt well today and has had fever most of the day from the shots. His asthma has started acting up again and he just wants me to hold him most of the time (which I haven't minded). We have had to give him several breathing treatments. He keeps saying, "leg hurt" because of all the shots. He has been pretty puny today and hasn't had an appetite. He was exhausted after today and fell asleep in my arms. It might be a long night at the Lemonds' house. Hopefully he will be better tomorrow and if not we will be chilling at home to rest.

1 comment :

  1. Poor baby! I hope he is feeling better today! I love that you and Karis have "girl time", I can't wait to do fun stuff like that!
