Sunday, May 25, 2008

Jonathan's 2008 High School Graduation

My youngest brother, Jonathan Samuel Nason, graduated from Bolton yesterday at 1:00. He is currently the youth intern at Faith Baptist Church and plans on ministry in the future. He will be attending the University of Memphis in the Fall and is spending all summer in Guatemala doing missions.

This is my brother Allen, Tiffany (Matt's girlfriend), Matt, and my dad at Graduation

Lolli and Karis

Jonathan getting his diploma

Brayden and his uncle Matt

Karis carrying her Lolli's purse

My family after graduation

The Nason Family

Jonathan with mom and dad

Me and all my brothers (How am I the oldest AND the shortest???)
Me (28), Allen (19), Jonathan (18), and Matt (26)

The Lemonds' Family

Matt and Tiffany

We are proud of you Jonathan!!!

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