Friday, May 30, 2008

My week long project

Though my house and laundry have gone neglected, the flower beds have not. It has taken me all week to finish this project but now it is finally over. Me and the weeds have fought and I won this time! These are the before and after pics of my project....

Before (sad I know)

I am sure the weeds will be back to visit very soon, but for now, I will enjoy it without them! But today on the other hand, cleaning house and doing laundry are 1st on my agenda.


  1. Amanda,
    It looks great! I had a plant for 1 day that my friend swore that I could not kill....I found great pleasure calling her the next day and letting her know...that yes I could kill a plant in a day...thank you very much :)

    Enjoy the flowers!

  2. Amazing Sis! I love you and miss you and the family.

  3. Looks great!!!! You are a pro!!!!
