Monday, May 5, 2008

Memphis Zoo

Today the kids and I decided to enjoy the beautiful weather and went to the zoo. Going to the zoo is always an adventure and Brayden is liking it more every time he goes. He used to think everything is a dog but now is making connections and remembering previous visits. Here are a few pics from our visit (as always there are more here):

Brayden in the eggs near the petting zoo

The kids and I at the petting zoo

Brayden on the playground

The kids just had to put their feet in that fountain water...

Karis posing by the big elephant outside the zoo

Brayden eating grape icee

Mom and Karis

Karis playing by the monkeys

So if you look at all the pictures, Brayden is nearly crying in all of them. The reason why??? These chickens below. We were in the petting zoo and he was already scared of the donkey about 10 feet away and wanting me to hold him. I put him down near the fence and he turned around to these chickens by his feet eating crackers out of his stroller seat. He got scared and turned quickly around to see the donkey sneezing right in his face. He trembled from head to toe, later followed by a screeching cry. He was afraid of all the animals the rest of the day.

This was post-chicken incident and you can even see him saying, "HOLD JU!"

Mom and Brayden at the polar bear exhibit

Me and the kids looking at the polar bears

A little sleepy???

So we happened to see a friend of mine, Rachel, at the zoo. I used to work with her at EPMS and today was her daughter's 2nd birthday. Chloe also has a little brother that I got to meet that is 4 weeks old!

Karis and Chloe

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