Friday, September 23, 2011

Yep...I caved.

Oh I was going to bump the system.  I have heard people talking for months about Pinterest (and I have googled how to even say the word, still not sure!) and I was determined to not give in to the trends and fads of the online world.  I was going to be rebellious for once and NOT do it! 

Until I clicked.  Peer pressure I tell ya!  

THEN I was in organization heaven.  And you all know I love some organization.  I have a LOT of bookmarks on my MAC for recipes and what-not and some are hard to find on my LONG list of bookmarks.  This "pinning" on Pinterest makes it so easy to organize all of your favorite websites, ideas, recipes, whatever it is that you want to compartmentalize into categories.  It automatically links to a website when you pin it and all of your favorites are right there for you to see, reclick and use at your convenience.

I know I am the last one on the planet to give in, but if you haven't it!  You can see my page live here.

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