Sunday, September 18, 2011

Fall Family Fun Day Sunday

Today has been one AWE-SOME day with the family I must say.  You know how there are just some days that are a struggle to get through, for everyone to get along and not fuss, argue, whine or complain and then there are other days when it is just downright good and full of fun and laughter?  Well today was one of the latter...we had fun, joked, played, everyone got along, got alot accomplished and spent lots of quality time together.  I am so thankful for my incredible husband that is a true helpmate in all aspects of the word, loves and adores me with all he is, beautiful, healthy children that are such a gift, needs taken care of and a roof over our heads.  Honestly, not one thing to complain about...the Lord has been very gracious to me.

We enjoyed a wonderful morning at church with our church family...some of my favorite people in the world.  I was reminded once again of the gift of salvation I so don't deserve and that NOTHING or NO ONE can snatch me out of HIS hand.  When we got back from church, we ate lunch and then while the kids played upstairs, I was able to clean the whole house (it was PAST due) and catch up on laundry.  It was a huge load off of my shoulders and helps make Mondays not seem so bad ha! 

 The leaves are starting to change and I just LOVE this time of year.  It makes you just want to be outside!  So this afternoon we went out on a family walk/drive around our property. We live on 100 acres so there is lots to see and enjoy.

We found several muscadine plants where we collected almost 5 lbs. to make muscadine jelly!

Lucy brought her Bible know, just in case haha.  

The kids loved the muscadines...they kept wanting more!

Lucy found some too!

The kids helped us collect them from the trees and were a huge help!

Karis brought her purse with her and in it she had packed a first aid kit (you know in case the unthinkable happens and you need a band-aid ha), wipes, a snack for everyone and toys for Lucy.  I thought it was very thoughtful and it proves she will be a very good momma one day! Always prepared!

We loved that some of the trees are already changing colors and it reminds us that Fall is just around the corner!!!

My precious girls

We walked around the back side of the lake...

Found some deer tracks...

Brayden even found some lizards!

Proof I was there too!

We found a Persimmon tree too and enjoyed a few...very sweet!

We saw a few other "pretty" plants too although I have no idea what they were.  Probably poisonous but the burst of color among the sea of green sure were pretty to look at!

 We checked out Jay's deer feeder....

 ...and his deer plots.  This is where he killed his buck last year.

After our nature walk, we came back in and made some homemade pizzas together for dinner.  When I told Lucy to look at me so I could take her picture, she replied, "I am busy right now!" haha

We topped off the evening with some homemade chocolate milkshakes and Jay and I even choked one down.  You know...hate to disappoint the kids if we didn't.  :)

"This is the day the Lord has made.  I will REJOICE and be glad in it!" Psalm 118:24

1 comment :

  1. Looks like a great day shared by all! It's awesome that you still have water in that pond. All the ponds have dried up around here....lots of forest fires. Praying for rain!

    Your family is's amazing that I feel like I know them, yet we've never met (hardly).
