Friday, September 30, 2011

Friday afternoon

Friday afternoon the weather was perfect and I was having cabin fever so before the kids left, we went outside for a few minutes.  But I had to capture this moment beforehand of Lucy and Ax while watching part of a movie...sweet!

Everett was having tummy time and posing...

This was too funny not to post.  Lucy put her hands down so he could lay his head in her hands and it looks like she is about to catch his spit-up haha!

Unfortunately Landon and Hazel had already left and Trey was out sick so they didn't get to see the cool tractor.  This tractor has been parked outside our house for several days.  It was out cutting limbs off power lines and broke down in the process so we have been waiting on them to pick it up.  Landon especially has looked, talked about and breathed that tractor and I so wanted him to see it.  :(  It was HUGE!

We even got to play on the playground and swing some before momma's came.  :)

It's so good to get out of the house!!!

1 comment :

  1. Awe, I love the picture of them holding hands! Sweet kids!
