Sunday, September 11, 2011

Homeward Bound...

We started the treck home on Saturday after the wedding because we knew we wanted to break up the trip.  We wanted to get as far as we could on Saturday and then enjoy a hotel for the evening and finish our trip the next day.  The kids LOVE staying in hotels and we were sure to get one with a swimming pool for them to enjoy.  They also know they can do one thing at a hotel that they can't do at home...jump on the beds ha!

Dad relaxing after a long day driving...

We had so much fun together as a family!  The kids were amazingly good and were playing so well together we were shocked!  They were both in the best moods.  We swam, played cards, the kids built tents on their bed, we watch a little football and then we let the kids stay up really late.  It was so much fun!

I even got a run in on the treadmill while the kids swam (dad was watching them don't worry).  Side note...I DESPISE a treadmill!  I would much rather run was rather depressing!

 The next morning we met up with Nonnie and Pop-pop who were also on the way home as well for breakfast at Cracker Barrel and then started homeward bound.  The mountains were gorgeous of course!

 We were actually traveling home on 9-11, the 10th anniversary of that horrific day (a separate post coming soon).  

On the way home, we passed 3 different wrecks on I-40, one being one of the worst wrecks I have ever seen.  Another one had us stopped completely for an hour.  People were out of their cars talking, walking around and some evening playing football.  We were so thankful the Lord protected us and kept  his arms around us as we traveled.  


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